One of the factors that determines our self-image is our sense of self-worth. How important am I in the grand scheme of things? How much am I worth? The answer to these questions flavors our entire view of life. Over the centuries, man has developed many different religions and philosophies to try to find the meaning to his life.
The Hollywood culture teaches us the value of our life is determined by our external beauty, especially our sex appeal. We are constantly bombarded by images of “perfect” people, who can’t even measure up to their own expectations. These stars have reached the pinnacle of success in their industry, and yet live shattered and unfulfilled lives.
The job market determines your worth by your intelligence and productivity. If we don’t meet our performance reviews, we are judged as worthless and given a “pink slip”.
In government and politics, your worth is determined by how much control and influence you have. Many of the candidates that are famous today will fade into obscurity on the scrap heap of history.
Darwinism teaches your life is a cosmic accident, and your value as a person is determined by what you can contribute to society. The prevalent philosophy that influences our government and educational system today is humanism, which is based on Darwinism. When you no longer contribute to society, you are deemed to have no value. More people have been “eliminated” in the 20th century alone based on those who espoused the philosophy of Darwinism than all the religious wars combined of all the previous centuries.
Religion teaches us our worth is determined by how good we are. Basically, the common element to all the above philosophies is your worth is determined by your performance.
Jesus introduced a radical concept. He taught us that we had all sinned and fallen short of God’s standards. In the book of Revelation the fifth chapter, the Bible tells of a search that is made for one person in all of human history who met God’s criteria for perfection. One who God would place His stamp of approval on and declare “worthy”. Although every human who has and will ever exist was considered as a candidate, they were all rejected. Only one passed the test – Jesus of Nazereth.
This one person, Jesus, who only was worthy in God’s sight, who was intrinsically more valuable than His entire created universe – This Jesus laid down His life for us on a cross to purchase us back to a living relationship with the God who created us.
In essence, Jesus valued us above Himself. Only in Biblical Christianity is man esteemed above his intrinsic value and performance. This claim cannot be made by a politician, movie star or a humanist.
What determines the value of an object anyway? If you find a used handkerchief on a sidewalk, most likely you would determine its value as worthless. If that same handkerchief was taken to an auction and someone was to purchase it for $10,000.00, it would no longer be deemed “worthless”.
That is why in God’s sight an unborn child is worth as much to Him as an influential politician. A ninety-year-old man in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s is as important to God as a twenty-five year old movie star. A mentally retarded child is as highly valued as a powerful business executive.
Why? Because God paid the same price for every one of them! He sent the most valuable object in the universe, His only begotten Son, who laid down His life to pay the price that God had valued you at! He did this because only God can accurately estimate the worth and value of your life, broken as it may be.
How much are you worth to God? You are worth the price of the blood of His Son. Accept God’s valuation by accepting His Son into your life today!